Consumer Representation and Community Involvement
The Department of Health supports consumer representation and community involvement in linked data projects. Researchers are encouraged to investigate consumer participation in their projects and are required to fully document this level of involvement in their applications.
The Consumer and Community Involvement Program (CCIProgram) works with universities, health and medical research institutes, health service providers and non-government organisations to bring together consumers and people with lived experience and connect them with health and medical researchers. More information on community involvement in research can be found on the CCIProgram organisation website.
The CCIProgram has developed an online training course for consumer representation and community involvement in health research. This course was developed by the WA Health Translation Network (WAHTN) with the support of the WA Department of Health.
For those seeking consumer engagement consulting and advice for research projects in Western Australia, we also recommend visiting the Health Consumer Council website.
To find out more about linked data for research, please refer to our Application Process page.